I am thrilled for you that your film is nearing completion. As an actor/filmmaker myself, I know the very difficult work that's involved. You are shedding light on an important subject and the passion you and your brother have for it will hold you in good stead. I hope at some point you enter it into the Cleveland International Film Fesitval as I would love to see it. Good luck!
Beverly Kristy
Thank you for letting me know about your project. And to do it with your brother must have been very special. I look forward to watching the entire film and be informed. Your story is important as it is a part of American history that needs to be told. May I share this on my social media accounts?
Please do, Robert. We really appreciate any help getting the word out to others about this project. There is even a “Share” button on the left side of the page that you can click and share an article with your social media sites.
Two Free Reports... "How To Pay For Your Film" and "How I Built A List Of 50,000+ Fans"
"How To Pay For Your Film" How to get enough money to make a film without begging or losing control of your project. Anyone can make a film if they approach it the right way. The free report will show you how.
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Just tell us where to send the free reports and they will be emailed to you as pdf files instantly!
I am thrilled for you that your film is nearing completion. As an actor/filmmaker myself, I know the very difficult work that's involved. You are shedding light on an important subject and the passion you and your brother have for it will hold you in good stead. I hope at some point you enter it into the Cleveland International Film Fesitval as I would love to see it. Good luck!
Beverly Kristy
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Thank you for letting me know about your project. And to do it with your brother must have been very special. I look forward to watching the entire film and be informed. Your story is important as it is a part of American history that needs to be told. May I share this on my social media accounts?
Warm Regards,
Robert M Alba
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Please do, Robert. We really appreciate any help getting the word out to others about this project. There is even a “Share” button on the left side of the page that you can click and share an article with your social media sites.
And thank you for your positive comments!
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Tears in my eyes almost my fathers story
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